Information om Top of Europe (ToE)
Top of Europe – ToE – is a non-profit association for cooperation between the gay fetish clubs in the Nordic and Baltic countries.
The clubs in ToE are all non-profit associations that are managed and operated by their members. Together, the clubs have approximately 2500 members and 5 of the 8 clubs have their own premises.
All full-year members in one of the clubs, are automatically welcome to most events in all ToE-clubs. Always check the web for the club you intend to visit.
We are very proud of the legacy from Tom of Finland, as well as the European leather and rubber scene and our common culture, with openness and friendship across our borders. So bring your fetish gear when traveling to the Northern part of Europe and visit the local club!
Fyra av dessa klubbar är även medlemmar i European Confederation of Motorcycle Clubs – ECMC, som är en organisation för icke-kommersiella läder- och fetischklubbar i Europa.

SLM Oslo
SLM Copenhagen
SLM Aarhus
MSC Finland
LMC Estonia