SLM Calendar
Fetish Men 2021
Support our club and get a calendar full of our members and our various fetishes.

SLM Stockholm is a non-profit organization and one of Europe's oldest men-only fetish clubs, still providing an important meeting place for our community.
Having to close down completely for months and running with a limited number of events and visitors due to the corona pandemic has taken a big bite out of our economy.
Support the club by buying this calendar. We hope you enjoy the effort put into it by our members in front of and behind the camera.
This calendar has been made possible thanks to our friends at Chambers of love, QX, Mister B, Recon, Platinum Ink and Calm.
Where to buy - Online
Our calendar is sold online from QX Shop. Shipping available to most of Europe.
Where to buy - Stockholm
You can find the calendar at the following locations in Stockholm.
Chambers of Love - Drottninggatan 71D (in basement of
Monday - Friday: 12-18, Saturday: 12-17
Läderverkstan - Rosenlundsgatan 30
Monday - Friday: 12-18
SideTrack - Wollmar Yxkullsgatan 7
Wednesday - Saturday: 17-20
Torso Shop & Massage - Kornhamnstorg 49
Tuesday - Saturday: 11-18
About SLM Stockholm
SLM Stockholm (Scandinavian Leather Men Stockholm) is a leather and fetish club for gay and bisexual men and is run on a volunteer basis.
SLM Stockholm is in turn part of the Nordic/Baltic organization Top of Europe (ToE) which includes the clubs in Sweden, Denmark, Norway, Finland and Estonia.